The Dowager Countess Bathurst November 30 Parent Category: POLO CLUBS Uploaded by Cirencester Park Polo Club Published in Polo Club News Hits: 24652 Print, The Dowager Countess BathurstThe Club would like to inform the Members of the passing of The Dowager Countess Bathurst, widow of the club’s late President The 8th Earl Bathurst. The Dowager passed away at home in the early hours of the 27th December 2018 at home, at Manor Farm, Sapperton.Copyright © 2018 Cirencester Park Polo Club, All rights reserved.You are receiving this email as a previous customer who opted in or because you opted in at our website.Our mailing address is:Cirencester Park Polo ClubThe Polo OfficeCirencester Park Polo ClubCirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1UR United KingdomAdd us to your address bookWant to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. < Prev Next >